Biggest paychecks on Wall St.
The financial world, after almost destroying the world the rest of us live in, was most generous to their own leaders in 2009. Why not buy any I Used to be Rich products – tee shirts, golf balls, bobbleheads, or coffee mugs and send it to one of these fat wallet fellows and respectfully, in return for your generosity, ask them to donate 50% of their big pay checks to people who need money to live, not to keep score with? As a role model to these morally challenged masters of the universe, will donate 50% OF ALL PROFITS OF “I USED TO BE RICH” PRODUCTS PURCHASED BEFORE 2/28/10 to the World Hunger Year (WHY).
To see the top salaries in 2009 check out the following Huffington Post article:
Their mug shots really belong in the post office.
PS We’ll donate the 50% even if you decide to keep the products for yourself.